
Friday, October 22, 2010

Day One

My identity is a little skewed right now.  I went from working as an Insurance Agent to being a Work At Home Mom.  So life these past two years have been very interesting!!!

 I have 4 children who love and adore me.  Though sometimes, I think they just tolerate me.  That's okay, because sometimes I just tolerate them.  Don't get me wrong, I adore them too!  They keep me grounded....they keep me vacillating between sane and insane. They keep me teetering on the edge of my comfort zone.  I think you get the picture. 

My children are very important to me.  They teach me things every day.  I know that sounds cliché, but it is true.  They teach patience, forgiveness, unconditional love.  They teach me that I am capable of things I never knew possible......meh...what am I saying....they teach me that I have to stay on my toes because at any given moment they could cry MUTINY and we are sunk.  Every day we are one step away from chaos...teetering on the edge of insanity.  All it takes to reel us back in a giggle or a funny comment from the peanut gallery. 

I hope you don't expect this blog to be all fun and sweet and motivational because I may not deliver all that.  I am a realist.  I live in the moment with a keen eye on my spiritual self.  So kick back and tell me what you think in my nifty little poll below!  Be honest, I can take it.  Okay, not really, I am a people if you aren't pleased, just lie to me and we can all move on.   

1 comment:

  1. Hope you like it. I love bloging. If you need help or have questions about how to add cool stuff give me a call.
