So anyway!! My fabulous niece Annie showed me this cute play kitchen she found on a blog made with parts from IKEA!
Isn't it the cutest thing ever?? The bottom of it is made from a nightstand!! Whoda thought!
So Ethan and I ventured to heaven (I mean IKEA) to gather all the goodies to build this kitchen which he isn't supposed to know about (tee hee).
So here he is in his car seat waiting for Mommy to take him out. I don't think he realizes the significance of this, his first visit EVER to IKEA.
These happy little feet were going to run all over IKEA!!
(cue angels singing)
Now if anyone has tried to take an active toddler anywhere, you know that your time is limited when you shop. You have to work fast before the novelty of the cool shopping cart wears off.
He was only content like this for awhile....then....he was trying to stand up in the cart and wanted out. He knew that this place was made for kids and he wanted a part of it!!
So I boogied through the store with my handy little shopping list of things that I needed to build the above play kitchen!
Nightstand- check
Shelf- check
S Hooks- check happened. Our next area was the kids area. I needed this set of cute little pots and pans.
Isn't that the cutest thing ever??
Well, the problem is....they make the kids section sickeningly attractive to toddler-sized people. He was screaming to get out. So I let him. He was in heaven....but not because the beds were made of because the rooms were clean...he was in heaven because everything was his size!! He was in overload!!
Ironically, one of his favorite things....was the IKEA kitchen (priced at a whopping $138). He was pretending to wash dishes and set the table (I love that kid)!
Oh to be a kid again. He also climbed onto pretty much all the beds he could. He climbed onto one bed and just laid there and sucked his fingers. It was cute.
(oh my looks like he has a comb over!!) LOL
Then he decided that the kid sized furniture was pretty much the coolest thing ever and he wanted to move in. I think he would have, but I lured him away by telling him we were going to get a cookie. (We didn't get a cookie...but if you are a mom, you know that prevaricating to a toddler is a valid loophole in the book of motherhood).
So we check out and don't you know it....the stupid Swiss chocolate started calling me....and who am I to let down some perfectly good Swiss chocolate! So I bought one. Just one and a diet Pepsi (can you say oxy-moron?)
So I feel productive today!! I bought most of the stuff so the Daddy and I can build a cooler kitchen than they sell at IKEA and it will be waaaayyyyy cheaper too!! So far for the stuff to make the kitchen, I am at about $35! Just a few more things to get...and I am pretty sure I (we) can build a cute kitchen for about $50! (How Martha Stewart is that??)
He is so dang cute! And I love the kitchen idea : )